Un Museo di Musei

28.02.2023 \\ 04.04.2023

In collaboration with the cultural association Con la Mano del Cuore


Starting from the exhibition Jimmie Durham: And now, so far into the future. That no one will recognize Any of my jokes, the Educational Department of Fondazione Morra Greco, with the cooperation of Nicola Caracciolo, has created a workshop project dedicated to the discovery of “museum space”, understood as a place of exploration, sharing, experimentation and, of course, creativity.

Drawing inspiration from the book Block Makes a Museum (Kubbe lager museum, texts and illustrations by Aschild Kanstad Jhonsen, ElectaKids, 2010), the boys and girls of the elementary school A. Ristori of Naples were invited to experience the exhibition as a real perceptual experience of traveling to different worlds, without boundaries of meaning, but studded with relationships and sensory adventures.

The workshop activity took place in two moments: a first meeting at the school, where Nicola Caracciolo worked on the narration of the story of Block Makes A Museum, and a second at the Fondazione Morra Greco headquarters in the rooms dedicated to the exhibition and in the multifunctional environment of the educational department.

Like the book’s protagonist, the little trunk Block, the children were able to explore the space and objects scattered in the various rooms of the exhibition to create their own personal museum, collecting, cataloging and setting up artifacts drawn from the everyday world, the artist’s, but also their own, to build narrative micro-museums.




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