Ligure Aoide. Phtongos

19.03.2024 \\

As part of the exhibition Phtongos, Fabrizio Cotognini’s solo show curated by Lorenzo Benedetti that can be visited until the end of March, Fondazione Morra Greco is pleased to present the talk Ligure Aoide. Phtongos, which took place on Tuesday, March 19, 2024 from 5 to 7 p.m. at the Foundation’s headquarters located at Largo Proprio di Avellino, 17 in Naples.

Starting from the continuous blending of past and present, literature and autobiography, myth and history at the center of Fabrizio Cotognini’s modus operandi and the works in the exhibition, the speakers will develop a conversation by interweaving the in-depth study of the works in the exhibition with the reading of non-fiction texts, dynamically exploring the thematic and conceptual references activated in Phtongos and thus going towards an expanded meaning of visual culture through the contamination of literature and visual arts.



Giancarlo Alfano, professor of Italian literature at the University of Naples Federico II
Angela Balzano, researcher at the Department of Cultures, Politics and Society, University of Turin
Lorenzo Benedetti, curator

Speaker bios

Giancarlo Alfano teaches Italian Literature at the University of Naples Federico II and at the Southern High School. He works on Renaissance culture, the European narrative tradition, cultural history, literature and psychoanalysis. Among his books: Ciò che ritorna. The Effects of War in Twentieth-Century Italian Literature (Cesati, 2021); Literary Humorism. A Long European History (Carocci, 2017); Phenomenology of the Imposter (Salerno editrice, 2021). He recently commented on The Adventures of Pinocchio (Bur, 2022).

Angela Balzano is a researcher and lecturer at the Department of Political Cultures and Society, University of Turin. She is also lecturer of the Science module of the Master’s in Gender Studies and Policies at Roma 3 University. For Meltemi she published in 2021 To End the Family. From abortion to posthuman kinship. Also for Meltemi is forthcoming in 2024 Eva Virale. Life beyond the boundaries of gender, species and nation. He has also translated and edited volumes by many posthumanist, cyborgfeminist and neo-materialist authors, including Rosi Braidotti (The Posthuman Volume I and Volume II, 2014, 2022 ), Donna Haraway (The Promises of Monsters, 2019), Jane Bennett (Vibrant Matter, 2023).

Lorenzo Benedetti is a curator and writer based in Paris. He recently curated the exhibition Seth Siegelaub: textile art theory at the Milan Triennale and Fondazione Ratti, John Knight’s Considered agreement and Antonio Ratti dream’s, both at Fondazione Ratti in Como, where he is co-director of the CSAV Art-Lab program. He has been director of the de Appel Art Center in Amsterdam, the De Vleeshal Art Center in Middelburg, the Netherlands, and the Volume! art center in Rome. In 2004 he founded the SoundArtMuseum in Rome. His exhibitions and projects have been held at the Marta Herford Museum in Germany, La Kunsthalle Mulhouse, Kunstmuseum St.Gallen in Switzerland, among others. Curator of the Dutch Pavilion for the 55th Venice Biennale with a project by Mark Manders.