Innovation in international museums

a research by the University of Naples Federico II


Fondazione Morra Greco is glad to support the University of Naples Federico II, one of our academic partners, in the collection of data for the research “Innovation in International Museums”.

We kindly invite all cultural institutions to fill in the dedicated survey by clicking on this link:


The research

The aim of the research is to describe the state of art of international cultural institutions in terms of innovation in their managerial areas and of open innovation, which implies relationships with other stakeholders at local, national and global level.

The investigation also tries to identify the KPIs – Key Performance Indicators – which can best measure cultural activities and organizations.

Results of the research will be published in a report and presented to the public in an ad hoc seminar to reflect collectively on the future of museums.

All data will be collected in complete respect of privacy regulations in line with all university activities standards.
The names of the represented museums will only be used to develop clusters of different sizes, without mentioning specific answers.

Zoom webinar

In order to support respondents in the case of issues with the survey or need of any additional information on the research, Fondazione Morra Greco set up a Zoom meeting during which researchers from the University presented the study.

The webinar was held on Tuesday, 28 November at 4:00 pm CET.

You can re-watch the webinar by clicking here:


The partnership with the University of Naples Federico II

At the beginning of this year, Fondazione Morra Greco and the University of Naples Federico II joined forces with the aim to create and promote new forms of education through a novel understanding of the educational mission of museums, which could look not only at the educational objective, but also at its active social implications.

One of the results of this collaborative dialogue has been the Giornata Federiciana of EDI Global Forum 2023.

Additional information

Should you need additional information on the research, please write an email to