
Supporting Fondazione Morra Greco means collaborating in its activities to promote and enhance contemporary art and culture in Naples, while making it an international point of reference.

Contributions will support us in the process of continuously improving our cultural offerings, enabling the Foundation, which has been identified over the years as a space open to dialogue and accessibility in a broad sense, to continue to develop projects for inclusion through art and culture and encourage research in the artistic, pedagogical and social fields.



5×1000 – Italian law

To donate your 5×1000 to Fondazione Morra Greco, after filling out the 730 form, CU or Unico Form for your Dichiarazione dei Redditi, sign in the box “Sostegno del volontariato e delle altre organizzazioni non lucrative di utilità sociale” and enter our Codice Fiscale 95045210630.



ART BONUS – Italian law

Thanks to Art Bonus, it is possible to make a contribution to support Fondazione Morra Greco’s activities. The donation entitles you to a 65% tax credit to be calculated on the amount donated.

As per the target of 50.000 €, at the moment Fondazione Morra Greco has already received 7.000 €.


Wilfredo Prieto, 2019, Courtesy Fondazione Morra Greco, Photo Maurizio Esposito

veduta della mostra \ CHIUDERE UN OCCHIO, 2019, INSTALLATION VIEW